Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Isle of May – 20 June 2021

Waves Shape

The club had a fantastic day diving sites round the Isle of May. It was an early start, meeting at 6.30am. 4 of us took the jeep and RHIB to Anstruther. With high tide at 11am and a +/- 3 hours window to launch and recover we had to be swift. We got the boat in the water at 9am without difficulty, using the RNLI slip with the Harbour Master’s permission. It is a 5 mile ride out to the Isle of May but the weather was kind to us with sun and little wind making the sea as calm as it ever gets.

Rob and Dougie went in first on the East Side of the Island. The swell round this side was up a bit more but they got in fine and by all accounts had a wonderful dive with a meadow of nudibranches and a (very wrecked) wreck. Rob came out smiling that he had founds some metal.

Donald and I were a little more cautious and decided to dive the West facing side which was much calmer. We were glad we did as on our first dive we had the most incredible seal encounter imaginable. The little fellow was so inquisitive he hung around us for at least 5 minutes and came so close I could have reached out and touched him.

Our second dives were shorter and was basically a drift dive as we let the current take us along the side of the Island. There was still some incredible natural wonders with diving gulls coming down to at least 10 metres and checking out the shoals of fish.

We managed to get back in time before the tide got too low to recover the boat and to end a great day out just had to visit the best chip shop in Scotland.

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