So the 20th June this year, saw an excellent foursome (me, Andrew Gibson, Rob Sewell and Dougie Stobie) haul our RHIB over to Anstruther, in fantastic weather, to get a few dives in around the Isle of May. Rob and Dougie took first dive on the Eastern coast, which revealed a nice wee wreck that they had a bimble about on. First dive for me and buddy Andy was on the westward side, and we were graced by the presence of a rather inquisitive seal that could clearly not believe how streamlined Andy looked in his spanky new dry suit (check out the video if you dont believe me)
2nd dive for Rob and Dougie was on the westward shore and whilst no wrecks were discovered, there was marine life aplenty during their time on the water. 2nd dive for myself and Andy was westward side again, and whilst no seals this time, we had the pleasure of the local birdlife diving and swimming past us in their attempts to grab some fish from the overhead shoals of pollack. Sadly no footage of this, as I was to concerned with keeping the seal footage safe !!
All in all it was a superb Thistlers day out, perfectly rounded off by a fish supper and a wee can of diet coke in the sun.
DonaldSeal versus Andy